Top 5 Best DeepFake AI Tools -How to Use Deepfake Tools to Swap Faces

Deepfake tools have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to swap faces in videos and images. In this blog, we will explore the Top 5 Best DeepFake AI tools available for free in 2024. It is important to note that these tools should be used responsibly and with respect for other’s privacy, as misusing them can lead to serious consequences.

Top 5 Best DeepFake AI tools

Tool 1:akool

Akool is a powerful tool that allows you to swap single or multiple faces in videos and photos. To use Akool, simply sign up using your Google account and you will receive 50 free credits.

Each face swap in a 10-second video costs 10 credits while swapping faces in images costs 4 credits per image. To start, import the video or image in which you want to swap the face.

Then, select the desired face from an image and enable face enhancement for better-quality output. Once the swap is complete, you can download the edited video or image from your library.

How to Use the Akool Deep Fake AI Tool

Welcome to the world of AI-powered creativity! The Akool Deep Fake AI tool is your gateway to exploring the fascinating possibilities of deep fake technology. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this guide will walk you through the simple steps to create your own deep fakes with ease.

Step 1: Set Up Your Account

First things first, you’ll need to set up your account on the Akool platform. It’s a breeze – just head over to their website, click on the ‘Sign Up’ button, and fill in the necessary details. Once you’ve confirmed your email, you’re all set to dive in!

Step 2: Choose Your Content

The magic begins with choosing the right content. Akool allows you to upload images or videos that you want to transform. Make sure you have the rights to use the media you upload – respect for intellectual property goes a long way!

Step 3: Select Your Model

Akool offers a variety of AI models tailored for different types of deep fakes. Want to swap faces in a video? There’s a model for that. Fancy changing the scenery in a photo? There’s a model for that too. Pick the one that suits your project the best.

Step 4: Customize Your Creation

Now for the fun part – customization! Adjust the settings to your liking. You can tweak the intensity of the effects, choose the resolution, and even add filters. The intuitive sliders and buttons make it easy to experiment until you’re happy with the result.

Step 5: Generate and Share

Hit the ‘Generate’ button and watch the AI work its magic. In just a few moments, your deep fake will be ready to amaze. Share it directly from the Akool platform to your social media, or download it to include in your other projects.

Step 6: Stay Responsible

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use the Akool Deep Fake AI tool ethically. Avoid creating content that could mislead or harm others, and always keep the spirit of creativity positive.

Benefits and Demerits of Akool AI Tools

When it comes to AI tools like Akool, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons to fully understand their impact. Here’s a straightforward comparison to help you navigate the advantages and potential drawbacks:

Innovation in Content Creation: Akool AI tools enable users to push the boundaries of creativity, offering new ways to create content that was previously impossible or required extensive resources.Potential for Misuse: As with any powerful technology, there’s a risk of misuse. Deep fakes can be used to create misleading content, which can have serious ethical implications.
Accessibility: These tools make sophisticated technology accessible to a wider audience, democratizing the ability to produce high-quality deep fakes.Intellectual Property Concerns: Users must be cautious about the media they use to avoid infringing on copyrights.
Time Efficiency: Akool AI significantly reduces the time and effort required to edit videos or images, streamlining the content creation process.Quality Variability: The quality of the output can vary, and sometimes it may not meet the user’s expectations or require further refinement.
User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be intuitive, making it easy for anyone to start creating without a steep learning curve.Learning Curve: Despite the user-friendly design, there is still a learning curve involved in mastering the tool’s full capabilities.
Community and Support: A robust community and customer support can enhance the user experience, providing help and inspiration.Dependence on Technology: Over-reliance on AI tools can stifle personal creativity and skill development in traditional content creation methods.

Tool 2: Face Swapper ai

Top 5 Best DeepFake AI tools -How to Use Deepfake Tools to Swap Faces in Videos and Images

Face Swapper ai is a user-friendly tool specifically designed for swapping faces in images. It offers 6 free credits per day without signing up, which allows you to swap faces in 6 images.

After signing up, the number of free credits increases to 10 images per day. To use the tool, simply select the image for face swapping, choose the desired face, and start the face-swapping process. The resulting image can be downloaded with a single click.

How to Use Face Swapper AI

Step 1: Access the Face Swapper Tool

  1. Login or Sign Up: If you haven’t already, visit the Face Swapper AI website and log in or create an account. It’s quick and painless!
  2. Navigate to Face Swapper: Once you’re in, find the Face Swapper tool. It’s usually prominently displayed on the homepage. Click on it to get started.

Step 2: Upload Your Media

  1. Choose Your Source Images: You’ll need two images for a face swap – one with the original face (let’s call it Image A) and another with the face you want to swap (Image B). Make sure they’re clear and well-lit.
  2. Upload Image A: Click the “Upload” button and select Image A from your computer or cloud storage.
  3. Upload Image B: Repeat the process for Image B. This could be your friend, a celebrity, or even your pet – get creative!

Step 3: Align the Faces

  1. Position the Markers: The magic happens when you align the facial features. Drag the markers (usually placed on the eyes, nose, and mouth) to match the corresponding features in both images.
  2. Fine-Tune: Zoom in if needed and adjust the markers until the alignment looks natural. Don’t worry; you won’t end up with a three-eyed monster – the AI is smarter than that!

Step 4: Swap and Preview

  1. Hit the Swap Button: Now comes the exciting part. Click the “Swap” button, and watch as the AI seamlessly swaps the faces. It’s like playing digital dress-up!
  2. Preview and Adjust: The tool will generate a preview. Take a look – if you’re happy, great! If not, tweak the alignment or try different images until you get the desired result.

Step 5: Save and Share

  1. Download Your Creation: Once you’re satisfied, download the swapped image. Save it to your device.
  2. Share the Laughs: Share your masterpiece on social media, with friends, or use it as a hilarious profile picture. Prepare for the double-takes!

merits and demerits of face swapper ai

1. Creativity Unleashed: Face Swapper AI allows users to create hilarious and unexpected content by swapping faces. It’s a playground for imagination!1. Ethical Concerns: Misuse of face swaps can lead to misinformation, identity theft, or privacy violations. Always use this tool responsibly.
2. Entertainment Value: Face swaps generate laughter and surprise. They’re perfect for memes, social media, and light-hearted fun.2. Quality Variation: The results can vary. Sometimes the swap is seamless; other times, it might look awkward or unnatural.
3. Accessibility: Anyone can use Face Swapper AI without specialized skills. No need to be a Photoshop wizard!3. Overreliance on Technology: Relying solely on AI tools may hinder traditional creative skills and personal growth.
4. Time Efficiency: Creating face swaps manually would take hours. AI does it in seconds.4. Intellectual Property Risks: Ensure you have the right to use the images you swap – respect copyrights.
5. Community and Inspiration: Join the Face Swapper community, share your creations, and get inspired by others.5. Learning Curve: While user-friendly, mastering all features might take some practice.

Tool 3: ReMarker.aI

Top 5 Best DeepFake AI tools -How to Use Deepfake Tools to Swap Faces in Videos and Images
remaker ai is a versatile tool that allows you to swap faces in both images and videos. While single-face swaps in images are free, videos require a paid plan.

Upon signing up, you will receive 30 free credits, and each single face swap costs 1 credit, while multiple face swaps cost 2 credits per image.

To use the tool, upload the image or video and select the desired face for swapping. After the swap is complete, you can download the edited image or video.

ReMarker.aI is an innovative platform that leverages artificial intelligence to revolutionize the way we create and edit content. With a suite of tools designed for various creative tasks, ReMarker.aI simplifies processes such as face swapping in photos and videos, generating AI portraits, and even transforming photos into talking avatars.

How to Use ReMarker.aI

Top 5 Best DeepFake AI tools -How to Use Deepfake Tools to Swap Faces in Videos and Images
remaker ai

Using ReMarker.aI is straight forward:

  1. Choose a Tool: Select from the array of tools available, such as face swap, AI portrait, or talking photo.
  2. Upload Your Content: Provide the necessary images or text depending on the chosen tool.
  3. Customize: Adjust settings and preferences to suit your needs.
  4. Generate: Let the AI work its magic and produce your customized content.

Merits and Demerits of AI

Merits of AI:

Demerits of AI:

  • Job Displacement: AI may replace human jobs, leading to unemployment concerns.
  • Ethical Issues: There are biases and privacy concerns associated with AI.
  • Security Risks: AI systems can be vulnerable to hacking, posing potential threats.
  • Creativity and Empathy: AI lacks the human-like ability to create and empathize, which can be crucial in certain fields

Tool 4: FaceTool.aI

FaceTool.aI is an app that can be downloaded and used on your smartphone. It allows you to swap faces in up to 24 images for free every day.

To use the app, upload the image of the face you want to use for swapping, then select the image in which you want to swap the face.

Adjust the settings for high-quality output and start the face-swapping process. Once the process is complete, you can download the edited image.

FaceTool.aI is a cutting-edge application that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to enhance social media content creation.

It offers a variety of AI-powered tools that allow users to swap faces in photos and videos, generate professional portraits, create animated talking avatars, and even change voices in audio or video files.

How to Use FaceTool.aI

To get started with FaceTool.aI, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select Your Feature: Choose from face swapping, portrait generation, talking avatars, voice changing, or cartoonizing your images.
  2. Upload Your Media: Provide the photo, video, or audio file you wish to modify.
  3. Customize Your Creation: Use the app’s settings to tailor the output to your preferences.
  4. Enjoy the Results: Watch as the AI transforms your media into something new and exciting.

Creative Possibilities with FaceTool.aI

With FaceTool.aI, the creative possibilities are endless. You can:

  • Swap Faces for fun or artistic projects.
  • Generate Professional Headshots without the need for a photoshoot.
  • Animate Photos to create engaging content for business or education.
  • Change Voices to match different characters or scenarios.

Tool 5: Face Fusion

Face Fusion is known for its high-quality results that look almost real. To use Face Fusion, search for “Face Fusion collab” on Google and click on the second result. Follow the instructions to copy the tool to your Google Drive and change the runtime type.

Connect and run the tool, then upload the face and the image or video for swapping. Enable face enhancer and adjust the output quality. Once the processing is complete, you can watch or download the edited video or image.

Benefits and Demerits of Deepfake AI

Benefits of Deep Fake AIDemerits of Deep Fake AI
Entertainment and Creativity: Deep fake technology allows for new forms of creative content in movies, art, and gaming.Misinformation and Fraud: Deep fakes can be used to create realistic fake news, misleading information, and fraudulent content.
Personalization in Media: It can be used to personalize content for users, such as creating custom video messages or interactive media.Privacy Violations: Unauthorized creation and use of deep fake videos can infringe on personal privacy and consent.
Educational and Training Tools: Deep fakes can simulate real-life scenarios for training purposes, such as medical simulations or corporate training.Political Manipulation: They can be used to create fake political speeches or appearances, potentially influencing public opinion and elections.
Historical Reconstruction: Allows for the recreation of historical events or figures, providing an immersive educational experience.Legal and Ethical Issues: The creation and distribution of deep fakes raise significant legal and ethical concerns, particularly around consent and intellectual property.
Enhanced Communication: Can be used in virtual meetings to translate and lip-sync languages in real-time, improving global communication.Trust Erosion: Widespread use of deep fakes can lead to a general distrust in video and photographic evidence.
Cost-Effective Content Production: Enables the creation of high-quality content without the need for expensive equipment or on-site shooting.Technological Abuse: Deep fakes can be weaponized for cyberbullying, blackmail, and other malicious activities.


These top five deepfake tools provide users with the ability to swap faces in videos and images. However, it is crucial to use these tools responsibly and respect others’ privacy. Misusing deepfake tools can have serious consequences.

Which tool is your favorite? Let us know in the comment section below. Explore these tools and have fun experimenting with face-swapping!


What is the AI tool to create deep fakes?

DeepFaceLab is known as the leading software for creating deepfakes. It utilizes machine learning and deep neural networks to manipulate or generate video and audio content.

Is there a free deepfake software?

Yes, there are several free deepfake software options available. Faceswap is a leading free and open-source multi-platform deepfakes software. DeepFaceLab also offers a free version

Can I use Google AI for free?

Google provides various AI tools that can be used for free, such as Google Cloud’s free AI tools and APIs. Google’s DeepMind has introduced Gemini, which is a powerful AI model that can be used for different applications

Is deepfake legal in India?

Currently, in India, there is no specific law that criminalizes the creation or dissemination of deepfakes. However, existing laws under the IT Act and IPC may address instances of misuse

Is a deepfake illegal?

The legality of deepfakes varies by country. In some places, creating sexually explicit deepfakes without consent is illegal. However, there is no single law that covers all aspects of deepfake creation and distribution globally

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